Franken Rules
NOTE: The rules below were inspired by the famous 'Gibbs Rules' and have been collected over many years.
Lasted update: March 4, 2025: Rule:
Rule 01h:
Always Have a Backup
Pretty self explanatory.
Rule 03h:
Never believe the customer's diagnosis.
Only believe the symptoms. The diagnosis is best left to the professionals, while following an incrorect diagnosis
wastes time and effort.
Rule 04h:
It's the network.
It could be the firewall, switches, cabling, or so much more. But when the blame is thrown at IBM i, it's the
Rule 05h:
Customer machines contain important data.
This leads to important points. First, the best way to not be tempted to share said data is never to look at it.
Second, never do anything to put any of that data at risk.
Rule 06h:
There is no such thing as too much disk, too much memory, or too much bandwidth.
Whatever you have will be consumed by a developer.
Rule 07h:
Always cable every port. Always.
This rule is also known as the 'Pitcher rule.' When you need another connection having spent that extra $4 for an Ethernet cable or
$8 for a fiber cable and an extra 2 minutes connecting it, will be priceless. Those who followed this rule were rewarded during the
pandemic when they didn't have to travel to the office or data center to run $10 worth of cable.
Rule 08h:
Never override a configuration default without specific knowledge or guidance.
The vast majority of those defaults were put in place by people who likely know an order of magnitude more about the subject than you do.
Trust them.
Rule 09h:
Don't reboot IBM i weekly, or monthly, or ever "because it's good to get a fresh reboot." It's not.
Unlike some other weaker O/Ss that need a theraputic reboot occasionally, IBM i can run for months without restarting. Worse a reboot
clears important information that SQL uses to work efficiently with your database, don't throw it away!
Rule 0ah:
*ALLOBJ aint for the faint of heart.
It's not for the strong of heart either. Use it only when you absolutely need it.
Rule 0bh:
Audit Audit Audit, Log Log Log, Journal Journal Journal.
When you need to diagnose things but don't have any data, you're stuck. Today's systems are not slowed by a little logging or auditing
either. Also remember: I sell disk. :-)
Rule 0ch:
Don't take it personal, you found the problem you didn't create it.
Occasionally frustrating problems occur and customers can get rather upset about them. As conultants we are there to help and are on
their side.
Rule 0dh:
Never trust a manager who claims to know more than their entire staff.
A staff is a team and a team takes all its members working together. When a manager second gueses and overrides smart decisions from
their staff they cannot be trusted.
Rule 0eh:
Don't ignore your instincts.
All of the situations, fixes, education, and experiences that you have been through give you the basis for those instincts. Trust them.
Rule 0fh:
If it feels like you're being played you probably are.
There are both customers and vendors who will suck you in for free consulting, education, labor, and contacts. Be aware that your
time and knowledge has value, give it away only when it is warranted.
Rule 10h:
Never accept an apology from someone who just tried to screw you.
Walk away, and remember. This rule is also known as the 'Amash rule.'
Rule 11h:
Share the root and you'll lose your fingers right before you lose your job.
Your reason is invalid, perod. Don't do it. No. Uh-uh. Nope. Sorry. Don't ask again. Talk to the hand!
Rule 12h:
If you have never successfully restored from your backup, YOU DO NOT HAVE a backup.
Without a restore test, the BEST you have is a tape with 'stuff' on it.
Rule 13h:
As with rule 12h if you have never successfully tested your DR or HA setup, YOU DO NOT HAVE one.
It's really that simple: Test it or it doesn't exist. Oh the stories we can tell.
Rule 14h:
When you need help, Ask!
Spinning your wheels and wasting time isn't productive or efficient. Engage your team.
Rule 15h:
Carrot beats stick!
"The beatings will continue until moral improves" is funny because it's so very wrong, yet so often attempted. Team members
under threat of consequences never work as well as those looking at reward.
Rule 16h:
Allow play time.
Time spent trying new things without a specific deadline or task list item to complete will benefit skills, AND attitude.
Deadlines and task lists contribute to always doing things in the same old tired way.
Rule 17h:
Share, or even Give, Credit.
You will have many good ideas in your career and do some great work. Many times that idea is seeded, or even given, by a teammate.
Often the effort is assisted by a teemmate. Share credit with them and they will want to work with you in the future. Steal the credit
from them and you will lose their help in the future!