"We reject your configuration rules and substitute our own." |
How do you learn?
Frankendate: 09.18.2014: Entry 012h
How do you learn about new things?
Some of you may have heard that IBM Announced
processors earlier this year. (OK Hopefully all of you!) But you knew those were coming right? Let's face it IBM is pretty predictable when they name new processors. The previous generation was POWER7 and POWER6 before that and I'm going to go right out on that limb and predict the next generation will be POWER9. I'm sure you're shocked.
Better than just these cool new processors though (and seriously they ARE Cool!) IBM also introduced new servers that showcase them. I'm a hardware guy so it's hard not to spend hundreds, even thousands, of words describing that cool stuff. Let's just say though there is more. More cores per chip, more cache per core, more cores per cabinet, more and faster PCIe slots, more memory bandwidth, and more memory. The physical boxes also have better faster RAID cards, room for more the double the drives, and with native PCI express in the chips even better I/O capability. But enough about all that as those who know me, know I could go on and on.
Maybe you don't have one yet, maybe you don't even know if you're getting one, worse you don't know what you'd do with one if you got one!
Let's say you're an AS/400 guy from way back. and you've got a couple servers in the data center, probably those venerable POWER5 machines that just keep on going. You've got business needs that are unmet and you're fighting the "AS/400 is old and ugly" fight in your shop. You may not have had an AS/400 or even an iSeries for years but you're the only guy that understands what the name means. Your business runs on the thing and it's been customized to do many things no package could handle without a LOT of effort. Systems and interfaces have been built around it, your data is safely held in DB2 and you know how to work it.
But then you're seeing additional requirements perhaps SOX or HIPPA or PCI. Maybe you don't have a proper testing or development environment maybe your company has expanded and needs to deal with time zones or even other countries. Perhaps you've acquired another company and need to incorporate their operations and data. Your data grows but your backup window shrinks. What's that you say, mobile? Yeah everyone has some sort of need there be it large or larger! And let me guess you're behind the 8 ball again.
You know the new Power Servers have lots of capability but don't have the details. You're pretty sure they will help you but you're not sure how to make it happen. You may have even spoken to your business partner and were either dazzled by technical details or underwhelmed by their knowledge.
Just one more thing, did you hear about
IBM i 7.2?
Snuck that one in on you didn't they? With all the hubbub about hardware and the long life of IBM i 7.1 compliments of Technology Refreshes, you almost missed it. But you shouldn't have!
So there you are, you really want to help your company. You really want to improve yourself! What should you do? Get educated! It really is that simple!
Good News, it's fall! Vacation is probably over and you can focus on yourself and your job again. Your local user group is likely back in session too, check them out get a heads up. Check out webinars and other web education. Download some RedBooks or other papers. Head over to LinkedIn and join some groups there, sign up at www.midrange.com. Learn, increase your value to the company. But there is a lot to learn indeed! It's great stuff and a lot of it for sure. But what's the best education?
When do you learn the most? Do you learn from watching? Do you learn from reading? Or do you learn from interacting with others who are hands on. Those in the data center with the new equipment the new options the new software and those who support it day in and day out? Yeah me too?
So now where would I go to learn something like that? Where can I go to learn about Power Systems modernization, Virtualization, Systems Management, and more? Where can I go to meet experts, folks that are doing the work, have the hands one and can give advice and education? Where can I meet dozens of vendors who provide goods and services specifically to the Power Systems and IBM i shop? Where I can sit down one on one and ask questions? Hmmmmm, where would I go.....
I'd got to
COMMON's 2014 Fall Conference and Expo
in Indianapolis Indiana, that's where I'd go! It's two and a half days of pure learning and interaction with your peers and with industry experts. And don't forget optional full day workshops the day prior to the main conference. Sure I'll admit that I might be a little biased so take that with a grain or two of salt but I also think I'm right!
Indianapolis is right in the heart of the Midwest. Easy to get to and not too expensive. There are certainly thousands and thousands of you that could simply drive there as I will be doing. There is a ton of education there including a brand new offering, a complete track on Virtualization on Power Systems with VIOS.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
- DrF